Have a question about an inspection? Want to know if something is a defect? Need an explanation about something on a report? Ask us anything and we will email you an answer and post it below!


Submissions and answers

“What is a double tap?” - Clair

A double tap is a defect inside the electrical panel where two wires are on the same breaker. Although many breakers are rated to support two wires and electricians will tell you it is not a defect, insurance companies require that it is fixed before they will insure a home. This can be remedied by adding an additional breaker or splicing the wires together in the panel and then attaching them to the breaker. both solutions can easily be done by a licensed electrician for minimal cost.

“My report showed many windows with broken spring balances. Is this something that can be fixed or do I need to replace the windows?” - Johnathan

Broken spring balances are a common defect with older windows. Natural use over time can cause the balance to wear out and eventually break. Luckily, a broken spring balance does not require you to replace the window. Most types of spring balances can be easily purchased from a local retailer or online and replaced either on your own or by an experienced handyman / professional.